RICHARDS FAMILY CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Oconee Station Park, SC Version 2.1, 3-Aug-2002, C142.TXT, C142 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 TRANSCRIPTION .. : Scott Alexander at CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ Locate intersection of Highways 28 and 11. Drive 6.0 miles east on Highway 11. Turn left at Oconee Station Road and drive 2.0 miles. Stop at Oconee Station State Historic Site wooden sign. Walk 275 paces beyond this sign on Oconee Station Road. Stop and walk 35 paces to your right. (grave is approx 36' from the roads edge) Grave marker is a flat stone slab that has been broken. Latitude N34 50.838 x Longitude W83 04.350 CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ Oconee Station State Historic Site: This 210-acre park, on Oconee Creek in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, contains two historic structures: a stone structure known as Oconee Station and a two-story brick residence known as the William Richards house. The stone building, the oldest structure in Oconee County, was constructed around 1792 as part of a chain of fortified outpost established during a period of tension between White settlers and the Indians. Oconee Station was the last western outpost to be decommissioned in the state. The troops were removed in 1799. The brick house at Oconee Station was built in 1805 by William Richards, a native of Ireland. Richards established a successful trading post at Oconee Station. With the advancement of the frontier to the west and the death of William Richards, the economic and strategic importance of Oconee Station declined. Throughout the late 19th and 20th centuries, Oconee Station served as a family home and farm. The property was privately owned until the mid-1970's when the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism purchased the property to develop a historic park. Oconee Station is listed on the National Historic Register. Submitted by: Scott Alexander OCONEE STATION: The oldest building in the county stands at Oconee station in a remote section above Walhalla. From the early colonial history of South Carolina we learn that the outlying frontiers suffered from the depredations of the Indians from the years 1756-1760 and besought the government to come to their aid. Yielding to their entreaties England, in the year 1760, sent Col. Montgomery with 1,200 men who landed at Charleston where he was joined by a Scotch regiment, and at the Congaree his forces were still further augmented. With this force he marched into the heart of Cherokee territory carrying fire and sword, burning villages, killing eighty braves and taking forty prisoners, mostly women and children. He established three outposts but only this one remains The story handed down by the early settlers is that the rough stone house was the guard house of Col. Montgomery's military post and that soldiers were kept there until after the Revolution. Located on a hill overlooking the mountains is a building of rough plaster with thick walls, the windows are high, narrow and deepset. It consists of two rooms, roughly plastered with a large chimney in the center furnishing two huge fireplace. From one of the rooms a narrow stairway leads into a basement which is filled with an assortment of household utensils of a half century ago. On the walls hang bunches of life everlasting, boneset, mullin and jimsen, the latter to inhale for the asthma. festoons of onions and peppers, twists of golden brown home grown tobacco. dried apples on canes and a medley of peanuts, pumpklns and potatoes. It is so peaceful now where once was heard the tramp of soldiers' feet, the savage veils of the Indians in warpaint and feathers, the cries 0£ the panther and the howl of the wolf. Hard by the guard house stands a substantial two storied brick house and into the wall of this dwelling is inserted a marble slab bearing this inscription: William Richards-l305. The early settlers tell that when the troops were removed after the Revolution that the three Richard brothers remained, living for a while in a house at the foot of the hill, later building the present house which bears the name of William Richards-1805. The house was surrounded by ~ old English garden. Boxwood, euonimus and English ivy form an old-world setting for the daffodils, roses, lilacs and clumps of lavender and rosemary. No doubt the garden was lovingly tended by the English girl who came over to join her brothers, and the fragrance of her garden was like a breath of home in her wilderness dwelling. Her grave lies at the foot of the hill and on her tomb we read the following: "Margaret Richards who crossed the ocean for love of her brothers." During the years that followed the three brothers died and are buried in the same spot in unmarked graves. We are told that when the last brother died that a relative from England took over the property The property was later owned by James Doyle, sheriff of Pickens District. His sons fought in the Confederate army and after peace was declared, all save one went to Texas where they made honorable names for themselves, but never failed 'to love their native state. The McWhorter boys, John, Lee, Will and Doyle, once called this home and later became merchants and heads of railways in other states Here the genial Henry F. Alexander and his bride, Rebecca, Doyle, set up housekeeping and their first child was born. After their removal, it seems that this property fell into the hands of Mr. Green who came with his large family from the mountains of North Carolina. Three of these kindly daughters still live here, Misses Parnecy, Tekorah and Victoria Green. For half a century they have tended their fields and made the cloth for their clothing. They will gladly show you their treasured quilts, representing years of patient toil, calling them lovingly by name, a young man's fancy, rosebud and Magnolia. May they long be spared, these gentle sisters of the long ago. They have since passed away. By: Mary Cherry Doyle TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife RICHARDS, Margaret (Peggy), b. c1770, d. 7-oct-1804 Grave Marker: Memento Mori; In memory of; Margaret Richards; Formerly a native of Ireland; Who departed this life October 7th 1804; Aged 34 years; For the love of her brothers crossed the Atlantic Ocean; A tribute to her remembrance by an Affectionate Brother. 1804 - The City Gazette of Charleston: Margaret Richards died of a short but painful illness. Miss Peggy Richards, aged 32/c1772 (not 34/c1770), sister of Mr. William Richards, merchant at his store in Pendleton District. RICHARDS, William, unmarked grave, brother of Peggy RICHARDS, Adults (2), brothers of Peggy